Saturday, February 28, 2009

Picture Post 17w3d

Here is my big ole belly at 17w 3d...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

17 weeks 1 day and my sick kid...

I am not sure what I did.. I typed a HUGE blog and must have hit a button that it all got deleted before I could post it.. I do not have the time nor patience to do it again... Oh my.... So I am going to post a few pics instead... This is what I am doing Raegan's nursery in...

I bought a few of the extra like the curtains, the night light and one of my favorites I found on EBAY....a diaper genie cover.. How cool is this??

This BLOG hates me.. I have tried to post a million times and NOTHING.. So let hit post before something happens again..

Sooooo tomorrow my kids and I are going to spend quality time together and make home made Chocolate Chip Cookies.. Yummmm.. And of course we will have a cleaning party too.. YAY!
Pics of all this is soon to come...

Monday, February 23, 2009

I am 16 weeks 5 days pregnant today with Baby #3. I found out on Feburary 10th that this baby is my little girl that I have been wanting.

Her name is going to be Raegan Alyciana-Jean Gary... My mother's and grandmother's middle name is Jean so I am having Jean to be on her birth certificate. I will just mainly go by Raegan Alyciana.

The boys are super excited about this baby... They want her now. I can not get them to understand that it is wayyyyy to early for her to come out.. I dont know how to get them to understand. I am going to do some research on the internet and hope that maybe they have a site that explains the whole process to little kids. I have bought them books and everything they jsut are still a little confused. They know that the baby is in my belly and all they jsut do not understand how she got there and so on. They are also confused as to why this baby is not going to have the same daddy as them and why the baby will have a different last name.

So I have some research to do. Well off to cook dinner.