Friday, March 20, 2009


So yep this is what is the newest of news.. Let me tell you all about when I get back from school... Just know this short version. Man in Navy Blue Dodge Caravan followed me and watched me until I refused to go in to my house. So I went across the street and he decided since I was not going in my house to turn on his lights and leave... Ok this stalker was lurking the street a gazillion times today.. So yep I was weirded out by it and I eventually called the sherriffs. Come to find out the head guy for the dept lives in my neighborhood. Whewww.. I have been scared.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ultrasound..and life in general...

I had an ultrasound Monday morning to get the measurements and all of my baby girl.. She is still a girl.. She is measuring right on track and was weighing 10 ozs. That is a little on the heavier side but that is ok I want a chunky lil girl. I am and have been so scared that she is going to be tiny.. I am not sure why I am so scared because the twins were 4 lbs 10ozs and 4 lbs 11ozs and they were born 6 weeks early. So I am not sure why I am so worried.

Aside from baby talk I am waiting on my ex-husband to come here to pickup my boys. They are at his house this weekend and because he has a four day this weekend he asked if he could keep them Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun.. I agreed but I am going to ask him to let me have them one of his weekends in April cause he gets them for my weekend in April due to it being easter. He gets them for all of spring break. Bummer....

Drew stayed home from school today and I had to take him to the doctors because he has been complaining of a sore throat, and yesterday he had green goopy boogies in his eyes sooo we got antibotics and eye drops for him. Chris has been a real pain in my butt lately as far as his behavior in Kindergarten... But he is going to improve he promised. Oh well I guess we will see
I am going to go to a friends tonight and chat for a little while but other than that I have nothing fun to report...